my first interview

1. how did you become student of the month
2. did you want to be student of the month
3. if so why, if not why not
4. what happens when your student of the month
5. what will you do as student of the month
6. what do you like to do in your free time
7. how is your school life/school in general
8.what are some pros of being student of the month
9. what are some cons of being sotm
10.  did you more popular when awarded sotm

answers .
1. i work really hard and so xtra curricular activities
2.not trying to be  but is happy to be now
3.  kinda wasn't trying but it just happened
4.teachers treat me very well i get a free 100 in any grade in all classes
5.try to work hard and push others to work hard too
6.hang out with friends and do fun things around school
7. its good and i work hard and some classes i get to have free time
8. teachers and family are very proud and get positive attention
9.  people thinking im a try-hard when im just doing good in school
10. i dont think so but i know more people and not so close friend came back to congrats me


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