1. the word just came along, like boom the word deadline exists now
2. bad grade on this 6 weeks
3.yes and i get a bad grade when i miss the deadline
4. yes, its probley just me not wanting to do the work and or i procrastinating and i just dont do it
5. i just didnt do the work and took the photo
6. take the photos and turn them in

1. tip 4
2. tip 7 dont get sidetracked
3. im a night person, most quite then where i live
4. by setting an alarm and studying right after school
5. put a sign on my door saying do not disturb and maybe haveing an adult around me to keep me on track or treating my self when im finish with homework when done.

1.set moods are in both sites
2.quite place and my music is playing and its night
3. when i go and change my music and i see somthing cool and intersting and i just get distracted
4.just change my music, say to myself watch it later and you need to focus


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